IF Condition, Loops FAQs for Automation Anywhere

IF Condition FAQs for Automation Anywhere:

Can I execute certain commands only if a window exists?
Yes. There are number of conditions in IF command. One of them is 'If Window Exists' .

Is it possible for me to know if one of my software is running or not? I want to do certain action only if that soft-ware is running.
Yes, you can use If Condition (If Application Running) to see if any application is running or not. You can specify the exe name that you
want to test in the If condition.
For e.g. consider the following script

If Application Running ('F:\WINNT\system32\calc.exe')
Comments: Add your commands when the Calculator program is running End If 

Loops FAQs for Automation Anywhere:

What is a Loop Command?
A loop command allows repeated execution of a group of commands when these commands are placed inside the 'Loop “ End Loop"' block. The number of the times these commands are executed will depend on the type of Loop command selected. The 'Loop - End Loop' block might also contain within it another 'Loop - End Loop' block i.e. nested loop commands.

I want to do particular action on all the folders inside a folder. How do I do that using your automation software?
You can use the Loop command (Start Loop 'Each folder in '<folder>') in Automation Anywhere. If there are 'n'™ folders in the specified folder then this loop will be executed 'n'™ times. You can get each folder's name using the $FolderName$ system variable inside this loop block.

Can I get all the file names inside a folder using the Loop command?
Yes, you can get the file name using the System variable $FileName$ inside a specified folder by using the Loop command " Start Loop'Each File' in '<folder>'.

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