Automation Anywhere Client FAQs about Task Editor and other tools

Automation Anywhere Client FAQs about Task Editor and other tools:

Moved Icons-Menus FAQs"

I recorded a task that opens a program from Start Menu > Programs and while running the task, the menu to open that program has moved. It clicks on a wrong program name and hence opens a wrong program. Do I need to re-record the task?
No, the SMART Automation Technology built into Automation Anywhere provides a powerful feature that lets you use your original task. You can check an option from Tools > Options >'Move Icons/Menus' . After selecting this option when you run a task it opens the same program that was opened while recording even if the menus have moved.

Will my task run correctly even if files, program shortcut icons in the Quick Launch and the Desktop have moved?
Apart from a few exceptions, opening of most of the files and shortcut icons from both Quick Launch and Desktop will run correctly if the icons have moved from their original location. Note that, the 'Move Icons/Menus' should be checked in Tools > Options menu for this feature to be enabled.

Report Designer FAQs

What is Report Designer?
Report Designer allows you to create your custom reports. Automation Anywhere features Task Run (i.e. whether they were successful or not), Task Timeline(i.e. run, created, modified and deleted), Workflow Run, Workflow Timeline, ROI and Visual Logs reports.
Reports can be generated by day, week, month as well as 'all time'. You can also generate a report for a custom date range.

Can I print my reports generated by Report Designer?
Yes. You can print a report generated by Report Designer directly from Automation Anywhere. Just click on the Print logo in the top left corner of the graph.

Recordings FAQs

How do I record a task using Automation Anywhere?
You can easily create new task using SMART task recorder. Click 'RECORD'; perform the activities on your computer that you want to record, click 'STOP' and then 'SAVE' the recorded activities to a task. You can playback your recorded actions by selecting the task and then click the 'RUN' button. For further details refer to the Help file.

Does it matter if the window size and locations of my applications change between recording and running?
No. Automation Anywhere's SMART Automation Technology automatically adjust to changes of window size and location.

Do I need to finish all my work in one application before moving onto the next application or can I switch back and forth between various applications while recording?
You can switch back and forth between various applications while recording.

Can Automation Anywhere work if computer is locked? Can I record a task to unlock the computer?
Yes. Automation Anywhere offers secure Auto Login technology. Auto Login allows scheduled tasks to run even when computer is locked. When you schedule a task you can enable Auto Login capability. If Auto Login in enabled, and if computer is locked, Auto-mation Anywhere will unlock the computer, run the task and lock it back.

Is it possible to execute a task in stealth mode when computer is locked?
Yes. To enable the task to run in stealth mode check Properties->Security-> Run this task in stealth mode option. This will hide the exe-cution of the task. To allow the task to run when computer is locked, enable Auto Login capability. Auto Login allows scheduled tasks to run even when computer is locked. When you schedule a task you can enable Auto Login capability.
An additional security option can also be set, where if you want to lock mouse and keyboard while task is running, just select 'Disable mouse and keyboard for this task' option from Properties->Security.

Can I stop the task while it is running?
Yes. Hold the Escape Key for 2-3 seconds.

Can I pause the task while it is running?

Yes. Press Pause on your keyboard. This will temporarily stop the execution of the task. Click on the ‘Resume’ button that will appear at the bottom right hand corner of your screen to continue running the task from where it was paused.

Can my recorded activity run in background, while I have control of mouse and keyboard so that I can do other things?
One of the distinguishing features of Automation Anywhere is its ability to run tasks in background. Advanced technologies like Web recorder, Object recorder and hundreds of powerful actions allow you to run many of your tasks in background. Few tasks like task recorded with standard recorder requires control of mouse and keyboard and therefore cannot run in background. Few other obvious exceptions include commands that requires screen, like taking screenshots or comparing images on the screen, but a vast majority of actions allow the task to run in the background.

I use remote access software to access a remote machine. Can I record a task that performs activities using remote access software?
Yes. Automation Anywhere supports all the remote access software.

I recorded task on 'abc.xls' but I want to run it on xyz.xls, how do I do that?

You can run the same task with different files of the same program. By default the task will only run on the specific file(s) it was recor-ded on. However you can check 'Enable this task to run with other similar files and windows' option under the Properties>General tab. Now for example if you recorded a task on abc.xls, you can run this task on def.xls, xyz.xls or any other *.xls files

Is it possible to password protect my task?

Yes, it is possible to password protect a task. While saving the task click on the Password Protection checkbox and specify the pass-word. Alternatively, you can password protect a saved task by going into 
the Security tab in the main screen of Automation Anywhere.

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