Automation Anywhere Overview: Control Room

RPA (Automation Anywhere): Overview
Automation anywhere consist of following parts
· Control Room (server)
· Client setup
· Repository
Image result for automation anywhere overview

Control Room (Server) Setup consists of
·  Control Room (Administrator user- Main User of this Server) 
·   BOT versioning and scheduling
·  User management - Create,Modify,Delete Users
·  License management - Map/Unmap License (Development or Runtime) to user
·  Monitor the running task
·  Generate Reports base on Task run or fail -can Scheduler & Trigger
·  Audit trail
·  AA Analysis - Log the Tasks (Enable - Required Field). Can analysis properly if multiple logs present

Client Setup (Development Environment/Testing Environment) can work on:

Taskbot has Properties or can Scheduler & Trigger

      Metabot - 
·         Reusable component
·         It is Application Specific
·         Metabot handle to delay internally.
·         Capture all the controls, then development, can start
·         can call .net code via .dll
 Workflow has Properties or can Scheduler & Trigger.

 IQ bot (Vision BOT) -This is not present in default setup of AA
·         It is OCR solution
·         Can combine data from multiple page to single logical document.
·         Rotation detection, tilt correction and de-skewing.

· Smart recorder –It capture all the activity as object cloning
·  Screen recorder –it capture all the activity as mouse clicks, mouse move and keyboard operations.It capture window and web screen.
· Web Recorder –it use for web data extraction.

Task Editor :  Contains number of Commands
1. Object Cloning command
2. Working with Google Chrome browser
3. Web Recorder Command – it can capture the activity done on Menu like clicking the internal menu item
4. Loop Command
5. Error Handling Command
6. If/Else Command
7. Excel Command - $Excel column(1)$
8. Mange window control

Run task - pass value from one task to another task.

Best practices:

  • Use currently active window (pop up)
  • Remove filter and merge from excel.
  •  Use smart delay
  • Use wildcard * in title   

  • Deployment architecture
    Single control room – Multi clients (Multiple virtual servers will be control by single by control room)

    ·         Multiple control room (clustering) – Each virtual server will be having its own control room. It also called as multi-site deployments

    Command Order
    ·         1. Web recorder
    ·         2. Object cloning
    ·         3. Object recorder (manage window controls)
    ·         4. Image recognition
    ·         5. Keystrokes, mouse
    Common problem
    • Multiple windows with the same name
    • Varying screen resolutions
    •  Different OS or IE version
    • Multiple monitors
    • Machine or application slowness
    • Drag or drop functionality
    • Windows without a title

    RPA Team structure:  CoE Team

           IT Architecture
    Delivery Manager

    - Focused on the strategic nature of Robotics for each of the delivery areas
    - Stakeholder management at a senior level
    - The delivery manager reports into the Head of Robotic Process Automation
    - There may be multiple delivery managers, depending on the number of individual businesses within an organization.
    - Collates and communicates the update on each project being delivered
    - Holds a weekly meeting with process owners on the delivery of their automated processes
    - Undertakes assessments of new robotic processes of a high-value nature
    - Tracks delivery vs costs vs benefits
    - Manages escalations for the development pods- ensures they are raises to the right stakeholders
    - Manages the overall delivery plans for each delivery pod

    Business Analyst
    RPA Developer
    Support and Infra Team
    - When a process goes live, it transitions from test to Live production. There is a handover at this point with the delivery pod.
    - The support team from this point forward, monitor processes all day. Processes can have a number of breakpoints within the process itself (handovers/pick ups from workflows/folders etc). 
    -  There role is to step through a sample of cases each day plus respond to alerts where there is a direct failure in the process. 
    - The control room act as the first point of contact for all updates and alerts on process. The process owner can liaise with them directly.

    Identify right process for automation

    Benefit to the company after automation

    1. Volume of transaction
    2. No of employee hrs. (FTE)
    3. Faster the Process (Reduce SLA time)
    4. Error- prone tasks that human do

    Identify the RPA process candidate
    1. Define the start and end point of the process
    2. Take 1 process and breakdown that into the subprocess
    3. Structured Process
    4. Rule-based process
    5. Clear decision logic
    6. Definable workflow
    7. Uses multiple application or tools
    8. Repetitive, mundane and unsatisfying Process
    9. High volume and low to medium complexity
    10. Duplication of efforts
    11. Development time for BOT
    12. Stability of process 
    How often does the process get changed?
    How much does it change?
    What is the lead time for change?

    Operation team Governance
    - Monitor BOT result
    - Run BOT on time
    - Convey change in Password 

    Understand the complexity of Process for automation

    Understand the complexity of Process
    - number of steps,scenario,application,roles
    - Stability of process
    Number of IT systems or IT services required to fulfill the process, or
    - Number of activities/Task, Number of controls, or Number of decisions, or
    - Number of people involved in the process, or
    - Number of departments involved in the process, or
    - The mechanism of the decision making, or
    - Level of uncertainty and potential change in any of the process activities


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