RPA Mcqs Quiz: 4

21. How can a command be added from command library to the Task Actions List in workbench?
a. Drag & Drop the command

22. Counter variable always starts from which of the following digit?
a. 1

23. Which of the following actions can be performed using the PDF integration commands?
a. Conversion of pdf into image
b. Extraction of text from pdf

24. Which of the following file/files cannot be scheduled by the Schedule Manager in AA Client?
a. MetaBots Files
b. Executable files (other options)
c. VB script files (other options)

25. Which of the following loops are offered by the AAE Client?
a. Database dataset
b. Excel dataset
c. List variables
d. XML dataset

26. Which of the following are valid Error Handling Actions?
a. Continue

27. Which among the following should be checked prior to ensuring that the task performed is devoid of any errors in a Web Recorder?
a. The zoom factor in IE browser should be 100%
b. The IE 11 plugin is installed and enabled

28. Which of the following variable types are available in the workbench?
a. Array
b. List

29. Which of the following options is used to divide one PDF document into multiple PDF files?
a. Split Document

30. Which of the following command(s) can be used to download a file?
a. FTP
b. Web Recorder

31. Which of the following statements is true about the Object Cloning command?
a. It is capable of capturing web as well as window objects and controls such as text from drop down menus

32. Which type of variables are supported in AAE 11 LTS MetaBots?
a. Value. List. Array and Random

33. Which of the following type of variable(s) does a workflow support?
a. Value, List and array

34. PDF Integration-Extract Text command allows output in two different text-types, which are..
a. Un-formatted and formatted
b. Structured and tabular

35. Which of the following is ‘most’ preferable to extract an html table?
a. Web recorder

36. Which of the following recorder/command is ‘most’ preferable to automate with if the application is web based?
a. Web Recorder/ Managed Web Controls

37. Which of the following is not a valid Loop command?
a. Each Item In An Array
b. Each Folder In A Folder

38. Which of the following are the available Recorders in Automation Anywhere?
a. Smart Recorder
b. Web Recorder

39. Which of the following dashboards provide information on ‘Total Users’/
a. Home

40. Which feature in Web CR provides administrator and/or user important data to monitor user activities ,task progress and status, ,which can be used to enforce internal compliance regulations as well as prevent tampering with mission-critical processes?
a. Workload
b. Bots (other answer)

1 comment:

  1. 23 a. Conversion of pdf into image
    24 a. MetaBots Files
    b. Excel dataset
    c. List variables
    d. XML dataset
    34 a. Un-formatted and formatted
    40. Audit Log
